Plugging the Water Column: for fishing fanatics

I have been researching and working on a book on striped bass fishing for several years. When I completed building my custom Gloucester Light Dory in October 2020, I started collecting all of my research and writing my book. After three years of writing during the hours that I should have been sleeping or fishing, I completed my book: Plugging the Water Column for fishing fanatics.

Fishing for striped bass with plugs is a specialized method that requires a specific rod, reel, line, leader, and terminal tackle combination optimized for the platform from which you are fishing: surf, boat, kayak, or SUP. After you have the proper gear, the next step is knowledge. What plugs catch fish? What plugs require modification to hold a trophy striped bass? What modification enhances a stock plug’s action? How do you select a plug’s color? Where do you fish certain categories of plugs? My book answers these questions and how to plug the water column for striped bass— from spooks to jigs and everything in between.

The path from October 2020 to October 2023 was not linear. At times, I felt like I was writing a book without an ending. After the first full end-to-end draft, a structure started to emerge. After the second draft, I realized that the “book” had two different focuses, hence, I split the book project in two. I am now working on my second book.
