Frabill Bear Claw Kayak Fishing Net II

I purchased the Frabill Bear Claw Kayak Fishing Net one year ago. I have landed several fish using this net; several of which, I would have lost, including my new personal best 6 pound largemouth bass that I surfaced with a 3 pound wad of weed. I have made two modifications to my Frabill Bear Claw Kayak Fishing Net, which have enhanced my kayak fishing.

Fish360 Frabil Bear Claw Net Mods

First, I added a pool noodle to the aluminum rim of the net via zip-ties. This allow my net to float from the side of my kayak. I like to keep my net hanging on the side of my kayak because it’s closer to the fish and hence help me to land fish faster. This setup also acts as a drift soft, which is great when I am drifting and casting along a shore line in search of fish.

Fish360 Frabil Bear Claw Net Mods

Second, I tightened the two screws on the sides so that the net no longer folds. I like the folding feature for storage, but when I am kayak fishing, I want the net fully extended at all times. The less maneuvers I need to make while landing a fish, the less likely I will lose a fish. Time is fish. Thankfully, I have several storage solutions that optimizes the spaces in my workshop, shed, and garage. Storing a fully extended Frabill Bear Claw Kayak Fishing Net is not a problem.


Cuttyhunk 2022

I started planning this year’s trip to Cuttyhunk last October. The members of my crew backed out one by one because of life commitments. I formed a second crew, which also fell apart. I joined a crew who were fishing Cuttyhunk during the first week of June. Without warning, life happened and I could not physically get on and off the island between my new commitments. On my fourth attempt, I finally got onto Cuttyhunk the last week of June, thanks to John Paul from the Cuttyhunk Water Taxi and Lexi Lynch at Pete’s Place Rentals.

On my first night, I trekked for 40 minutes to “Death Rock” in my one piece wetsuit. I fished from pre to post sunset. Hight tide was right at sunset. The conditions were prime: white water, wind induced current, birds diving into the water and surfacing with bait in their beaks. Wicked fishy conditions! I looked to my right, not a soul in sight. I looked to my left, not a soul in sight. I looked into the horizon, no boat to be seen. I fan casted the entire area and fished the whole water column. No fish.

Fish360 Cuttyhunk 2022

The next morning, I fished from pre to post sunrise from the “Three Amigos” rocks. I looked to my right, not a soul in sight. I looked to my left, not a soul in sight. I looked into the horizon, no boat to be seen. I fan casted the entire area and fished the whole water column. No fish.

Fish360 Cuttyhunk 2022

On the second night, I fished “Liberty” rock from pre to post sunset while the rain fell with a force that dented my wetsuit. I looked to my right, not a soul in sight. I looked to my left…OMG..there was a human fishing! I looked into the horizon, no boat to be seen. I had a 120 degree arc of clear and moderately deep water that felt fishy. I fan casted the entire area and fished the whole water column. The lonely angler stopped behind me on his retreat and called out from shore in a foreign accent: “Any fish mate”? I replied: “No fish mate” and made another series of casts. I was committed to my my rock. After getting several hits on six of my plugs, but no fish, I called it a night and headed back to Pete’s Place Rentals for a much needed hot shower and sleep. Walking up “Heart Attack” hill convinced me to get an eBike!

Fish360 Cuttyhunk 2022

The next morning, I got to “Heartbreak” rock by 4:04 AM. I found a stretch of clean water from 10 O’clock to 2 O’clock. I looked to my right, not a soul in sight. I looked to my left, not a soul in sight. I looked into the horizon, no boat to be seen; but I saw a 20 lb class fish jump completely out of the water! This Olympic jump was followed by a surfacing large black head, a seal! I fan casted the entire area with top water plugs. No fish. I decided to shift to sub-surface plugs and clipped on my Linsider69 yellow darter. I casted to my far left with the intention of hitting Martha’s Vineyard. Without warning, my rod bent over with force. Fish on!!

Fish360 Cuttyhunk 2022

After several drag-pulling runs, I got the fish to the edge of my rock. With the adrenaline racing through my veins at speeding-ticket speeds, I reached down and grabbed the fish by it’s bottom lip with my left hand like a vice grip while my right arm held my rod up to keep tension on the line and not lose the fish. After the wave broke over me, I stood up and pulled the fish out of the water. I quickly secured the fish with my Fish Grip, which was clipped to my Ultimate Surf Belt and butt slid off the rock. I made my way back to shore while keeping the fish in the water. I took a quick length measurement and collected some scale samples for the SADCT program using my tweezers and stored them in a snack size ZipLock bag. While holding the fish by it’s tale, I pulled it back and forth in the water. When she was ready to go, she kicked her tail and I let me go to grow.

If you believe that darters only work in inlets at night, and you promise never to fish them in the surf or during the day, I will share with you the location of Heartbreak Rock. 🙂
