DIY Sliding Bobber

Several years ago I made a DIY Bobber from a wine bottle cork.  This durable and low cost DIY Bobber casts better than a traditional spherical bobber and it catches fish! I was recently fishing a spot where the fish were beyond my cast.  With some simple tools and a plastic tube, I created a DIY Sliding Bobber.

Fish360 DIY Sliding Bobber

Making your own sliding bobber is easy.  First, drill a hole through the center of a wine bottle cork with a power drill and a drill bit with the diameter of the plastic tube that you are going to use.  Second, cut and insert the plastic tube.  (I used the empty ink tube from a ball point pen.)  Add lastly, add a bobber stop to you line, insert the line into the bobber, add a plastic bead or a another boober stop, and tie your jig or hook.

Fish360 DIY Sliding Bobber

A sliding bobber will out cast a fixed bobber because all the weight is at the end of the line, which has better aerodynamics.  When the bobber hits the water, the jig sinks— which pulls the line through the bobber until the bobber stop.

Fish360 DIY Sliding Bobber

The DIY Sliding Bobber is now my go-to rig for bobbing because its low cost, durable, long casting, and incredibly effective at catching fish.  Thankfully, I have a life-time supply of wine bottle corks that I inherited from my late F.I.L..



Frabill Bear Claw Kayak Fishing Net

When targeting largemouth and smallmouth bass via kayak, I use to hoist fish up and over into my kayak; until one day a hefty largemouth bass snapped my rod!  I then started bringing the fish along the side of my kayak, lip-grip them with my free hand and pull them into my kayak.  Last season I hook a monst’ah!  The fish was not only pulling drag, it was towing my kayak!  When I got the fish to the side of my kayak, I decided to preserve my digits and hoist the lengthy pickerel into my kayak.  Thankfully, my St. Croix rod did not break like my previous brand-x rod.  While I was trying to negotiate a secure grip on the slippery fish as it was twerking, it unhooked itself and jumped back into the water!

Fish360 Frabill Bear Claw Net

After a broken rod and a lost fish, I decided to investment in a fishing net.  After searching to the last page of the Internet, I purchased the Frabill Bear Claw fishing net.  I like the large hoop (14″ W x 18″ L x 11″ D) and the integrated LED lights. I LOVE the one-handed design.  The fish slid right into the net with ease, thanks to asymmetrical flat-bottom design.

Fish360 Frabill Bear Claw Net

I still wake up in the middle of night with the image of that 3+ pound monst’ah pickerel jumping out of my kayak before I could take a picture.  If you kayak fish, then get the Frabill Bear Claw fishing net to save your rods, land fish, and sleep without haunting images of lost fish. 😉
