DJ Muller on Wetsuiting

During the 2010 Plum Island Surfcasters fishing show, DJ Muller delivered an awesome presentation on wetsuiting.  He first spoke of the advantages of wetsuiting as a method for targeting stripped bass, and then moved onto gear and safety.  I have since lost the notes that I took during the show.  So, I now use the Wetsuit Corner on DJ’s website— which has some great information on wetsuiting:

  1. The “Wetsuit Checklist” lists all the key gear items with live links.
  2. The “The Wetsuit Option” article that speaks to the advantages of wetsuiting.
  3. The “Wetsuit Dress and Equipment” article discusses the critical gear needed for successful wetsuiting.

An additional resource is “Wetsuiting The Outer Edge with DJ Muller“, a video produced by The Saltwater Edge.

A wetsuit will help you get out where the fish are.  DJ’s wetsuiting tips will help you land the fish and reach terra firma safely.


The Three Amigos

I was at a fishing show this past winter when my peripheral vision caught metal lip plugs swimming in a hypnotic trance.  I turned my rudder and full throttled over to the Lemire’s Plugworks table.

The three plugs that hooked my attention were the Goo Goo Eye Swimmer, the Prowler, and the Prowler GT.  I like the profiles and their swimming action of these plugs.

Fish360 Lemire's Plugworks

Each year I fish alone under the cover of darkness to intercept hungry striped bass as migrate north and south.  I enjoy the solitude.  But, this year, I am fishing with the three amigos!

Fish360 Lemire's Plugworks
