Once Upon a Maine Stream

I have been teaching my daughters how to fish.  On our last fishing trip, I took them trout fishing on a stream in Maine.  The trout were there, but beyond casting distance.


The steam however was overflowing with a variety of other species, who were not shy!




These fish LOVED the Berkly Power Bait.


The Eagle Claw Lazer Sharp barbless hooks worked really well. They   had excellent hooking performance.  But, I really like the fact that they safer then hooks with crushed barbs.


My daughters had a great time.  They now know what a “bite” on the line feels like.  They are hooked.  Time to upgrade their rods! 🙂


Cuttyhunk Island 2012

This past June I had an opportunity to fish two nights on Cutthyhunk Island with the S-B crew.  This year’s trip was a week earlier than usual, but full of potential.


With all our gear loaded, we traveled very comfortably on the Seahorse.

Fish360 Cuttyhunk Island 2012

After reaching Cuttyhunk, I dropped off my gear at the Cuttyhunk Fishing Club; grabbed my polarized sunglasses and my new water proof digital camera; and headed off scouting.  At about mid-way though my expedition, I found an alien foot print.

Fish360 Cuttyhunk Island 2012

This Korker print was an indication that I was on the right path. ;-).  I soon found fishy rocks in abundance.
Fish360 Cuttyhunk Island 2012
After nearly filling my camera’s memory card, I trecked back to the Cuttyhunk Fishing Club.  I arrived just in time for dinner.  We had ribs, Long Island style.  OMG.  We eat like kings and cried like babies when the ribs were all gone. Metaphorically speaking of course, because we are macho surfcasters who drink sea water and secrete salt. ;-).With a full stomach, I suited up and got ready for a night of fishing.  I hiked down the trail I traveled by day until I got to my marker.  Wow!  The wind was howling and the sea was fierce!  I swallowed my fear and penetrated the surf slowly.  I eventually got onto R.I.P. rock.  With knees bent and Her waves smashing against my chest, I cast every plug in my surf bag.  Twice.  I retrieved nothing but seaweed.  The entire point and cove was un-fishable.  :-(.

I negotiated my way off the rock.  Walked over the grapefruit like boulders littering the shore line.  And via Divine intervention, I scaled a cliff back onto a trail that eventually lead me back to the Cuttyhunk Fishing Club.


I got up “early” Saturday morning and headed back out to R.I.P rock.  OMG.  The ocean was like lake placid.  Go figure.  I missed the morning tide.  But, I got to field test some of my new spooks and poppers from Lemire’s Plugworks.  Love them!  Hunger eventually overtook me and I headed back for breakfast.  Fresh fruit, omelets, bacon, sausage, toast, orange juice, and coffee.  Yum!

I did some more scouting until lunch time.  Lunch was my meal.  I heated up the Portuguese Lincuica with peppers and onions that my better half prepared for me.  (I have a degree in Chemistry, but I am culinary challenged.  Isn’t that ironic?)  The lunch tray was eaten clean.  Literally!  😉

After lunch I caught up on some much needed sleep.  Luckily, I woke up in time for dinner.  We invited the ZeeBass crew and the Connecticut Surfcasters who were on the island.

Fish360 Cuttyhunk Island 2012

The ZeeBass folks were very generous.  They gave each S-B member a free hat.  They even donated one of those gorgeous looking ZeeBass SurfEdge knives, which was awarded to a lucky member whose handle was drawn from a hat.

Fish360 Cuttyhunk Island 2012

There is a fine line between determination and stubbornness.  I have convinced my self that I am determined!  😉  After getting skunked the previous night.  I was on a mission.  Fished the South West Point; the pyramids; the entire stretch of shore line in front of the Cuttyhunk Fishing Club; and my favorite rocks (Larry, Curely, and Moe) at Church’s Beach.  Skunked!  🙁


I woke up Sunday morning and missed the tide, again!  :-(.  After comparing notes with my friends, I realized that I fished all the right spots with the right plugs; just at the wrong stages of the tide.

This was my first Cuttyhunk trip where I did not hook up with fish.  But, it was also the trip where I grew the most as a angler.  This was my first wetsuiting trip on Cuttyhunk.  I fished new hot spots and developed a better mind map of the sub-surface topology around the island.  I would not trade the lessons that I learned on this trip for a fish.
