My Fish-N-Mate

I started out surfcasting by propelling fresh chunks of bait into an agitated surf on Plum Island.  This is still one of my favorite methods when hunting for large saltwater species. Unfortunately, access restrictions makes it painful to transport my chunking gear to and from my hot spots. I do not like pain.  So I purchased a Fish-N-Mate.  Over the years I have made a few modifications.

Fish360 Fish N Mate Beach Cart

Lanyards, Stand, & Grips
One dark night on a remote beach, I nearly lost one of the stock pins.  The stock stand is still M.I.A.  I now use lanyards to secure the pins for the handle and my custom stand.

I would recommend pushing the stock stand all the way up into the chassis tube and drill a second hole through the stand using the pin hole as a guide.  You can use this second hole to secure the stand while you are pulling the Fish-N-Mate; this will keep your heels hitting the stand with each stride.

I replaced the stock grips with bicycle grips because they provide a better grip when I am pulling my Fish-N-Mate up a rockpile or set of stairs.

Fish360 Fish N Mate Beach Cart

Axel and Wheels
The stock axle and wheels perform well over sand.  But, limited my access.  So, I upgraded to a wider axle and bigger wheels.  The wider axle gives more stability, especially when I am on angled slopes or un-even surfaces.  The bigger wheels provides more ground clearance and “roll” better over sand, dirt, gravel, pavement, stairs, and rocks because of the larger contact patch.

Fish360 Fish N Mate Beach Cart

Bait Station
After dressing my bleeding sharp hooks with fresh bait, I like to clean my hands.  The best thing that I found is baby wipes.  They are inexpensive and they work!  I modified the stock bait station with a larger cutting board with a cut out for a bay wipes box.

I cut off the bottom of the stock plastic basket and now use it to secure a small plastic bag.  I leave only foot prints and tire tracks behind. I secure the basket via lanyard.

Fish360 Fish N Mate Beach Cart

The stock cutting board has a slit for a bait knife.  This can be dangerous because the sharp blade is fully exposed below the cutting board’s surface.  Using a drill, I bored out a horizontal slot through the aluminum cross bar that is welded to the 1.5” round aluminum tube.  This slot allows me to store my bait knife inside the tube.  I also secure my bait knife via lanyard.

Fish360 Fish N Mate Beach Cart

After 8+ years and many miles, I am proud to say that my modified  Fish-N-Mate has never broken down.  And my back is all the better because of it. ;-).
