DIY Buzz Frog Hook Modification

This season I started fishing buzz frogs.  I like the sonic action of the rotary prop.  Unfortunately, if the frog turns during a cast, the wire and hook eye can temporarily lock up and hence ruin the action of the frog on the retrieve.  I hence modify my buzz frogs with heat shrink tubing to keep hook inline with the wire.  This hook modification only requires some simple tools and heat shrink tubing.

Fish360 DIY Buzz Frog Hook Modification

First, remove the frog and the bait keeper from the hook. Carefully thread a 3/4″ length of heat shrink tubing (3/16″ diameter) over the hook until the hook eye/wire joint is reached.  Bend the wire so that it’s inline with the eye of the hook.  Apply heat to shrink the tubing.  Let the tubing cool.

Fish360 DIY Buzz Frog Hook Modification

Second, make a hole in the tubing on either side of the hook eye; for example, with the point of another hook

Fish360 DIY Buzz Frog Hook Modification

Third, re-secure the bait keeper to the hook eye.

Fish360 DIY Buzz Frog Hook Modification

And lastly, re-secure the frog to the keeper and then the hook.

A bad cast can cost you a fish! I highly recommend this buzz frog hook modification because it will improve the bait’s castablity, action, and hook up rates.



Block Island 2019

Today I had the opportunity to fish with Capt. Tony Guarino from Booked Off Charters.  The plan was to leave port at 6:00 AM.  I had a two hour commute, so I stayed overnight at the Scarborough Beach Motel, which is only a 15 minute drive to Point View Marina.

Fish360 Block Island 2019 Striped Bass

We started jigging bucktails on wire line and lead core line. The rod with wire line induced more strikes so we switched out the lead core rod with another wire line setup. When the bucktails stopped producing, we switched to trolling umbrella rigs with colored surgical tubing on wire line. Single, double, and even triple hooks hooks was not as hard as taking a picture in the 4 to 6 foot seas that we experienced at Block Island’s South West point!

Fish360 Block Island 2019 Striped Bass

I had my water shoes and Stomr neoprene booties. My feet were fine. Some of the anglers on the boat had sneakers. They hung their wet socks on the protruding stainless steel hardware of the highly customized 35’ Terry Jason Downeaster. Thankfully no man or sock went overboard. Before my next trip with Capt. Tony Guarino, I am getting a pair of water proof boots like the Rugged Shark Deck Boots, which I can use all season long (spring, summer, and fall).

Bottom line, this was one of the best charter experience that I have had. I would recommend booking a trip on Booked Off Charters. Booking online is easy. Capt. Tony Guarino has the expertise and local knowledge to get you into fish!


Frankenstein Frog Strike

Today I fished one of my froggy spots.  For two hours, I systematically fished every proven productive structure with three different frogs.  Occasionally, I grabbed my forth rod and sank a wacky rigged Senko.  Skunked!

Frankenstein Frog Strike

At the end of my trip, I clipped a Frankenstein Frogs onto the Tactical Anglers clip on the end of my 50 lb Power Pro.  I made my last cast.

Frankenstein Frog Strike

The frog swam well.  The new legs created whitewater and sound as I retrieved it steadily.  The frog did not make it to my kayak without seducing a strike from a blue gill terrorizing bass.

Frankenstein Frog Strike

Hence forth, I am saving my single and dual amputee frogs.  I will give them new legs via reconstructive surgery in my laboratory.  Fish beware….I now have confidence in Frankenstein Frogs!!!
