Korkers Wraptr Boots

I purchased a pair of Korkers Wraptr Boots as a backup pair of studded boots.  After my field testing, they are now my primary pair!

Fish360 Korkers Wraptr Boots

The Korkers Wraptr Boots comes with two interchangeable soles; these are great for freshwater.  For surfcasting, I purchased the OmniTrax v3.0 Triple Threat Soles.  Having a single pair of boots that I can use for multiple applications is fishconomic!

A common practice in the Surfcasting community is to screw studs onto the soles of wading boots.  This provides great traction control; but it has a potential problem: pressure points.  The Korkers Wraptr Boots solves this problem.  Each OmniTrax v3.0 Triple Threat Sole has 15 carbide spikes secure to it.  The sole is then snapped into the boot, which has a thick sub-sole.  Two soles.  No pressure points.

I field tested the boots on the rocks of Cuttyhunk during a two night commando trip.  Even the dry rocks on Cuttyhunk are slippery.  The ones with sea weed dread locks are impossible to stand on without studded boots.  I never lost my footing; not even when the waves were crashing on my chest with a determination to set me a drift.  My feet never felt pain.  I was able to fish longer and harder than my previous commando trip.

Bottom line, the Korkers Wraptr Boots and the OmniTrax v3.0 Triple Threat Soles provide maximum traction and comfort without pain from pressure points.  I would only recommend spraying the metal component with WD40 after each trip in the surf; they are not saltwater grade. 🙁


High Hook Lures

I first saw High Hook Lures at a Plum Island Surfcasters fishing show.  Mike Mullen showed me the “Biggie”.  I had never seen a 15″ long plug before.  I had to have one!

Fish360 High Hook Lures

During this past June’s new moon, I was on the porch of Pete’s Place on Cuttyhunk Island rigging up for my next trip when I saw Mike Mullen.  OMG.  Total coincidence!  I showed Mike the first generation of my DIY Side Arm for the Biggie and B1.  The conversation quickly shifted to tides, plugs, and fish.  He asked me: “Have you caught anything on the B1 yet?”  I said, “I am fishing it for the first time tonight!”

Fish360 High Hook Lures

Latter that night, I was standing on a rock under the black blanket of night when I noticed a shadowy figure on the rock just to my left casting a really big plug.  I yelled out: “Mike….is that you?”.  Mike shook his head to confirm and kept casting.  OMG.  Total coincidence!  I pulled out my blurple B1 out of my first generation DIY Side Arm and began fan casting the small section of open water in front of me (from 11 O’Clock to 1 O’Clock).  I got bumps on every other cast.  I then made a long cast right down the middle (at 12 O’Clock)…fish on!

The fish fully arched my 11′ 2 – 8 oz St. Croix Mojo Surf Rod. The fish pulled line off my ZeeBaas reel faster than I could reel it in.  Without warning, the fish stopped.  I could not move it. The fish then began swimming left towards Mike’s rock.  Our lines got crossed.  Mike removed his line off his reel’s roller.  I finally got the fish to my rock.  I quickly grabbed the fish with my free right hand and hoisted her out of the water.  Mike’s line was wrapped around the fish and my blurple B1 plug.  I turned my back to the surf and started the unhooking operation.  My back broke the waves as I successfully unraveled Mike’s line from the fish.  I could not remove his line off my B1 plug.  I yelled to Mike “I have to cut your line…I do not want to kill the fish”.  He shook his head in confirmation.  I cut his line and removed my blurple B1 plug from the fish.  I skipped weighing and measuring the exhausted fish.  As I revived the fish, I could see and feel that she was built for speed!

Bottom line, I owe Mike a spool of 50# braided line.  That’s true.  But! More importantly, High Hook Lures are high quality, fish catching plugs.  In addition to the Biggie (15″, 3.2 oz) and B1 (15″, 4.4 oz), Mike also turns other needlefish plugs: Dinner Catcher, Lil’ Brother, Needlefish – Sinker, and Needlefish – Floater.  All of his plugs are constructed with stainless steel through wire, Spro swivels, Wolverine split rings, and VMC hooks.

